50 Job Search Tips That Work

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Get one job in many ways

Reprinted with permission from blog.hiredmyway.com.


It’s a tough job market out there.

It’s not uncommon for hundreds of resumes to flood a company for just one position. This means that it’s a buyer’s market for employers and you’ll need to bring your A-Game to stand out from the crowd.

Every day we work with employers and recruiters to find and hire serious job seekers. One advantage for you is that we’ve been able to compile the best tips from top companies and recruiters.

Here are 50 of the top job search tips and strategies that we’ve uncovered –


1. Do Your Homework: Always research the organization prior to interviewing. Knowing some of the company’s successes and accolades, such as awards and charitable actions, shows that you have done your homework.

2. Have a Focused Plan: Create a list of companies that you will systematically contact. Prioritize companies that are a close match to your experience and skills.

3. Schedule Networking: Treat networking like a job. Fill your calendar with events and follow-up regularly.

4. Arrive 10 Minutes Before the Interview: Arriving early relieves the stress of possibly being late and demonstrates that you are responsible and dependable.

5. Professional Email: Don’t use your “party email” for follow-up. Get an email address that is simple and professional.

6. Get Business Cards: Make a point of asking for your contact’s business card. This will ensure that you have correct titles and spelling for follow-up.

7. Stay Updated: Set up Google Alerts for each of your top employment prospects. Review the latest news before your interview.

8. Practice Your Writing Skills: All professional positions require excellent writing skills. Take the time to upgrade yours.

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